SUNDAY SERVICES IN STAVERTON CHURCH are on the first Sunday of the month at 9.30am
Also on the third Sunday of the month Matins at 9.30am in the winter months (Nov to Mar)
and Evensong at 5.30pm in the summer months (Apr to Oct)
We warmly welcome you to St Paul de Leon Church
There is a Sunday morning Holy Communion service once a month in rotation with the other smaller churches in our part of the Mission Community, and also a lay-led service of Matins or Evensong on the third Sunday of the month.
In 2014 the church celebrated the 700th anniversary of the edict of Bishop Walter de Stapledon who ordered that the Norman church be pulled down and a new more capacious building be erected. (See pictures below taken at the time of the celebration). He gave the Vicar and parishioners eighteen months to complete the task under the threat of a heavy fine for failure. We do not know whether they succeeded or not, but they certainly eventually produced a church of considerable size in relation to the population. The ecclesiastical parish originally stretched from the River Dart to the outlying suburbs of Ashburton, until in the 1850s the Parish of Landscove was carved out of it. The large churchyard is a mass of snowdrops, crocuses and daffodils in the Spring.
The church postcode is TQ9 6PD The village website is www.staverton.org
For contact details for all our churches please click here