

CURATE LAURA MOVING ON (Posted 7th July 2024)

Laura McAdam, who has been curate in our Mission Community and based at St Luke’s Buckfastleigh since 2019, is to move to a new post. From September she will be Associate Priest in the parish of Paignton, with a particular focus on pioneer ministry in that parish.

Laura’s last Sunday here will be August 4th, when there will be a united Mission Community service at Eden Farm, Harbourneford at 10am, to which all are welcome. (The service will be in St Luke’s, Buckfastleigh, if the weather is wet). She will move during August, and be licensed in Paignton on September 10th.

We give thanks for all that Laura has done during her time here – for her warmth and liveliness, for her encouraging and sometimes challenging ministry to us, and for her work in the local Buckfastleigh community and especially with families. She will be greatly missed.

We pray for Laura as she and Trace make this move, and settle into a new home, neighbourhood, etc.

FUTURE STAFFING (Posted 7th July 2024)

As Laura moves on we can announce that we are seeking a new ordained member of staff, a house-for-duty (i.e. Sunday plus 2 days) team vicar, to be based in Buckfastleigh. The advert for this will appear in the Church Times from July 12th. Gina Radford of course continues as our Team Rector.

We are also losing from our ministry team Jenny Holton. who has so faithfully served over a number of years as lay reader, more recently designated as licensed lay minister. She is now retiring from this role. We do thank her for all she has done. Her up-front ministry of leading our main services will now end, but she will continue leading the monthly Compline service at Buckfastleigh and her involvement in pastoral care.

PROPOSALS FOR SAME-SEX COUPLES (Posted 19th January 2023, latest update 9th July 2024)

The Church of England bishops issued proposals for allowing prayers of thanksgiving, dedication and blessing, to take place within normal church services, for same-sex couples in partnerships and marriages, but not allowing churches to hold stand-alone blessing services or to conduct same-sex marriages, and not making any changes in the Church’s doctrine of marriage. These proposals were put before the General Synod in early February 2023, and were approved.

This is clearly a compromise position, and much further work is needed. In the meantime as churches we are committed to welcoming all.

Update 9th July 2024 Since the General Synod meeting in February 2023 the debate has slowly ground its way forward. The latest debate at the July 2024 General Synod took things a bit further forward, especially on the possibility of stand-alone blessing services, and did on the whole preserve the unity of the C of E. Further work is to be done before the next General Synod debate in February 2025.


Gina Radford was instituted as Team Rector in a warm and inspiring service at St Luke’s Church, Buckfastleigh, on 5th November. She is already of course well-known to us in her role as team vicar, and is thoroughly immersed in the work of all our churches. She has in effect been acting team rector for the last two years, but has now officially stepped into that role. She will continue living in South Brent, and will still serve on a half-time basis. There is a video of the service here and a photo here.

Meanwhile Laura McAdam will continue to live in Buckfastleigh and serve as our curate, and as curate for the whole mission community.



LENT COURSE – Into Your Hands (Posted 9th February 2024)

A five week Bible Study looking at death, resurrection and the hope of what comes next.  Whilst we won’t be able to arrive at Easter with clear cut answers, we will be exploring and tackling some of the questions that come up when we lose someone or face our own mortality. Drawing on Scripture, poetry, art and research as well as a breadth of Christian thinkers we will delve a little into themes that affect us all, yet are rarely examined together.

Tuesdays from 20th Feb, 10.30 (After the Gathering Room time of meditative prayer to which all are welcome at 10am) at St Luke’s, Buckfastleigh

Wednesdays from 21st Feb 2pm in the church rooms, St Petroc’s, South Brent

THE EARTHQUAKE IN TURKEY AND SYRIA (Posted 11th February 2023)

Following the devastating earthquake in Turkey and Syria we are encouraging our church members and others to donate to the Disasters Emergency Committee (DEC) appeal. This can be done online here. Suitable prayers are here.

LENT COURSE (Posted 3rd February 2023)

This year we are planning a Lent course on the subject of prayer, based around the Lord’s Prayer. Because this course has 8 sessions we have decided to start before Lent. There is one group at St Luke’s, Buckfastleigh, on Tuesdays at 10am, beginning on February 14th, one at St Petroc’s, South Brent on Wednesdays at 2.30pm, starting on the 15th, and one group online, on Wednesday mornings at 10am, so also starting on the 15th. For access click here. This is for members of all our churches, and we hope as many as possible will take part, since prayer is so vital a part of Christian life and church life; please choose whichever group suits you.

CURATE LAURA BACK (Posted 8th January 2023)

Laura has now ended her year’s adoption leave and it is great to welcome her back to our ministry team.

Following the death of Queen Elizabeth II and the accession of King Charles III

Lord God, we give thanks for the life of your servant Queen Elizabeth, for her faith and her dedication to duty.
May her example continue to inspire us; through Jesus Christ our Lord.

Almighty God, you have called your servant, King Charles III, to the throne of this realm: guide him with your wisdom, strengthen him with your power, and let justice, truth and holiness, peace and love, flourish in his days; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

TEAM RECTOR NEWS (Posted 9th July 2022, updated January 2023)

Regrettably the latest round of adverts seeking a new Team Rector has not produced a result, and we shall try again later in the spring.

CURATE LAURA TO TAKE A YEAR’S ABSENCE (Posted 28th November 2021)

Laura writes: I am going to pause my role as curate and take a year’s leave on 1st January. I am delighted to share with you that I’m becoming a parent, adopting a 5 year old boy who I’ll meet and bring home in the early weeks of 2022. It has been a long process, one that Tom Benson and the Archdeacon have been part of since the beginning two years ago, and a calling that is best fulfilled whilst I’m a curate.

THE NEXT STAGE OF THE JOURNEY (Posted 20th June 2021)

Following the move of the Rev Tom Benson to a new parish, we are starting on the process of seeking a new incumbent. The churchwardens of all our parishes and the clergy and readers are meeting together, and beginning to work on the profile which will describe our various churches, the overall mission community, the different needs, and the qualities and gifts we are looking for in a new Team Rector.

The life of the Mission Community now continues – the exciting journey of following the Lord’s leading.

We thank Tom for the huge amount he has done over the last years. We shall greatly miss his ministry among us, but we wish him and Maryanne well for their new future.

Tom’s last Sunday morning service with us was on June 6th, and concluded with worship in the open-air behind St Luke’s Church, Buckfastleigh, including a presentation on behalf of Buckfastleigh Town Council. Photos below.

Congratulations to Gina

The Rev’d Professor Gina Radford, Team Vicar in our Dart and Avon Mission Community, has been awarded the Canterbury Cross by the Archbishop of Canterbury for her outstanding work providing medical advice for churches and the Church of England’s senior leadership during the Covid-19 pandemic. Gina is a former Deputy Chief Medical Officer for England. 

Laura’s priesting
Our curate, Laura McAdam, was priested in a small but lovely service at St Luke’s, Buckfastleigh, on 27th September, 2020

Worship in the great outdoors
As well as worship in church and online some of our churches have experimented with open-air services – recently one at Littlehempston and one at Staverton.

August 2020


Gina Radford, our Team Vicar

The Reverend Professor Gina Radford was licensed on 12th June 2019 as Team Vicar in the Dart and Avon Team Ministry. Gina works on a half-time basis, with special responsibility for the parishes of South Brent and Rattery.


A new member of the ministry team

Laura McAdam was ordained deacon on September 14th 2019 in Exeter Cathedral to serve as curate in our mission community.

Good Friday on Brent Hill

As usual on Good Friday there was a procession with a cross from the middle of South Brent to the top of Brent Hill.
A large number of people (and a good few dogs) processed, stopping at several places for a Bible reading, hymn and prayer, as we reflected on Jesus’ crucifixion.

  Easter 2019

The Dart and Avon Mission Community

This started officially on November 1st 2018 and was inaugurated at a service of Holy Communion on Sunday November 18th 2018 in St Petroc’s Church, South Brent.
The service was followed by a bring-and-share lunch, with people from the different churches mingling together.

November 2018