South Brent
(Normally Family Service on the 1st Sunday of the month, Holy Communion on 2nd and 4th, Morning Worship on the 3rd)
Also BCP Holy Communion on 3rd Sunday of the month at 8.00am
St Petroc’s has its own website (shared with St Mary’s Rattery) – please click here
The mission statement for St Petroc’s states that we are “a Church with a heart for God and for the whole parish.” We describe ourselves as middle of the road in churchmanship.
Full details of our services and activities can be found on our church website. Videos of past services can be seen here.
We want our Church to be open to our community for private prayer. The Church is open every day from about 9.00am until early evening.

The PCC is keen to offer a range of services during the week and over the course of the year that our community find both beneficial and spiritually fulfilling. Our pattern for worship is a family all-age service on the first Sunday of the month, the Village Eucharist on the second and fourth Sundays of the month, Morning Worship on the third Sunday. The fifth sunday varies and is often a special seasonal service. The service time is 9.30am.
We have a number of active Bible study and prayer groups and the Women’s World Day of Prayer takes place annually. In addition, Lent Courses and other specific courses are held. There is an active, albeit small, Mothers’ Union Diocesan Member Branch, comprising both ladies and gentlemen!
We have a large and flourishing band of bellringers, who in the past have won the Devon Major 6 Bell-ringing final. We are in the process of creating a bellringing Centre of Excellence at St. Petroc’s.

Families with young children are very welcome at all our services. For details of our work with young people please see the South Brent youth and children’s page – click here
The building itself dates from Saxon times and was enlarged at various stages. Most of the building we see today was in existence in 1436. With considerable financial assistance from the Heritage Lottery Fund, together with several church and local charities, we have recently completed a major refurbishment of the Norman tower of St Petroc’s, whilst simultaneously improving both the electricity supply and internal lighting of the Church. The local community energy group has helped us to overhaul the heating system.
The church’s post code is TQ10 9AG. The website for St Petroc’s (and for St Mary’s, Rattery) is here and the YouTube page here
We have a pastoral visiting scheme – if you or someone you know would appreciate contact, please contact Rev Gina Radford – see the Contact page
For contact details for all our churches please click here