THERE IS A SERVICE IN ST MARY’S CHURCH on the 2nd and 4th Sundays of the month at 11.15am
(Morning Worship on the 2nd and Holy Communion on the 4th)
The Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary has been the centre of Christian worship in the Parish of Rattery for over eight hundred years.
For up-to-date information please go to the website of Rattery and South Brent churches – click here
The church at Rattery is a community united in its faith in God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, serving the people of the Parish and is a part of the Body of Christ that is the church around the world. An average of 10 to 15 people attend Sunday morning services of worship, with larger gatherings at the times of the major festivals.
As well as our own church services there is a joint Zoom facility from the 9.30am service from our sister parish of St Petroc’s in South Brent.

Children are very welcome at all our services; if they are too young or too distracted to join in our act of worship, we have toys and games for them to play with.
We want our church to be open to our community for private prayer. At present the church is normally open on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays from about 10.00am until 4.00pm.
For more details about our services, online prayer opportunities and youth facilities within the village please contact Pam Saunders, our Licensed Lay Minister, on 01364 73202. We also have access to a Pastoral Visiting Scheme and if a visit would benefit please contact parishvisitors12@gmail.com
St Mary’s is an inclusive church with a very warm welcome to everyone, from those who simply want to come and see our lovely church to those who would like to join us for worship. There is diversity in the faith tradition of our members, as is often found in churches of the Anglican Communion.
A brief description of the church building
The Church was built in the twelfth century and subsequently enlarged in the thirteenth and fifteenth centuries. It is a Grade One listed building.
One of the most distinctive features of the interior of the church is the colourful sgraffito which dates from the 1870’s. The word sgraffito comes from the Italian word for ‘scratched’. Sgraffito has its origins in the pottery work of the ancient Greeks.
The font is of great antiquity and much interest. Its design is certainly Norman. The bowl and stem are of red sandstone and the base a grey stone. The cup-shaped bowl is surrounded by shallow flutings.
There are five church bells. Three were cast in 1763. One inscribed ‘God preserve the Church’; another ‘God save the King’; the third has three gold coin impressions, a George II guinea and both sides of a John V Portuguese coin dated 1743. This is very unusual and rare. The one cast in 1901 has the inscription, ‘Hear me when I call’, and the last, cast in 1911, is inscribed ‘George V Rex, 1911.
The Parochial Church Council fully recognises its stewardship responsibilities for this very special building. It has established a special Committee to focus on restoring the fabric of St Mary’s and its decorative features, and developing the facilities which can be offered by both the building and the churchyard for the benefit of the Parish of Rattery and the wider community.
More details of this project can be obtained from Churchwarden, Michael Jack on 07767496857.
If anyone after visiting the Churchyard would like to help with its upkeep, please contact Rob Needham via robroving7@gmail.com
For contact details for all our churches please click here